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Privacy Policy

Alphabet House Nursery Privacy Notice For the use and storage of personal information

At Alphabet House Nursery we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information

This notice will inform you of how the nursery collects and uses you as parents/carer and your child’s personal data. This is in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Alphabet House Nursery are responsible for deciding how we hold and use your personal information and we have a duty to inform you in this privacy notice. It is important as parents/carers you read and keep this notice for your reference, so you are fully aware of how we use such information and your rights under the Data Protection Act.

We will ensure we meet the Data Protection Law by:

Ensuring we use information lawfully and fairly.

We will only collect information for valid purposes that we have informed you about. The information will not be used in any other way.

It will be accurate and kept up to date.

It will only be kept if necessary and in line with retention periods for data.

It will be kept securely.

What information will be held about you and your child?


Contact details, emails, emergency contacts


Marital status

NI numbers – for funding purposes

Bank details – for any payments, refunds

Medical conditions, illnesses

Dietary requirements, allergies

Ethnic origin, spoken languages


Photographs, learning journals, family boards, planning, observations and assessments

Care plans, speech and language reports or another external agency involvement.

Safeguarding details, reports

Conversations had with parents where staff deem it relevant to prevent safeguarding issues and including prevention of radicalisation or any other aspects of Prevent.

How do we collect your information?

We get your information initially through the booking form and trial sessions for your child. This continues until your child leaves Alphabet House Nursery. Examples of this maybe updates on your personal information, funding forms, trips for your child, new medication and care plans etc.

How do we use your information?

We will only use your information for the following-

Where we need to perform the contract, we have entered with you.

Where we need to comply with legal requirements.

Where it is necessary for legitimate reasons e.g. for your child to access funding and we need to share information with a third party, or to safe guard your child always.

Where it is needed in the public interest or official purposes.

The use of your personal data in such ways allows us to perform to our legal obligations.

How we will process your personal information

With consent from parents/carers we will share information with schools for your child’s progression to the next stage of education.

Shared with Local Authorities for funding purposes.

Ofsted will access the nursery systems to review child protection, ensure we are meeting your child’s needs, to ensure appropriate funding is received, reports on a child’s progress in nursery, complaints, attendance records.

To be able to contact a parent or child emergency contact.

To ensure nursery fees are paid.

Report a child’ attendance

Shared with Local Authorities without consent of parents if there is a child protection issue.

If Parents/Carers fail to provide information

If parents/carers fail to provide the nursery with information requested, we may not be able to fulfil the contracts we have entered in with you. Or we may not be able to fulfil legal obligations to you or your child.

Change of Purpose

We will only use your information for purposes stated unless there is another reason which we would explain to you the legal basis for this which as allowed us to share information. This is in compliance with the above things or which is required by law.

Sensitive Information

We may process sensitive information in the following circumstances-

With parent written consent.

Where we need to carry out legal obligations.

Where it is needed for equality monitoring.

In relation to legal claims or where its needed to protect a parent or child or where a parent may have made the information public.

Automated Decision Making

This is when an electronic system uses personal information to make a decision. With your intervention we can do this in the following situations-

Where we have notified a parent of a decision and have given 21 days to receive a reconsideration.

Where it is necessary to perform a contract with a parent/carer and measures are in place to safe guard a child or parents’ rights.

If we make an automated decision on any sensitive personal information we must have written consent, or we must be able to justify this in the interest to safeguarding. Parents would be notified of this.

Data Sharing

We may have to share child or parent/carer data with third parties. We require third parties to respect security of your data and Comply with GDPR. The following people will access personal information about you:

Local Authorities for funding, monitoring purposes, equality purposes.

Regulatory bodies to ensure compliance and safety and welfare of children.

Schools to ensure easier transitions for your child and sharing of current progress and development.

Safe guarding teams with any concerns for the wellbeing of your child.

Data Retention

We will only retain your personal information for long as needed to fulfil the purposes it was collected for. This includes legal obligations. A copy of retention periods can be seen on line or in our risk assessments (a copy is kept in the parent policy folder in reception area).

Once you race no longer a parent/child benefitting from the nursery services we will store your data in accordance with the Data Retention laws. All information will be securely destroyed.

Your duty to inform us of any changes

It is important the data we hold is current and to date and you inform us of any changes.

Your Rights

You can request access to your personal information to check we are processing it correctly and you can request we correct any in correct or incomplete information we hold.

If you feel there is no good reason to store information you can request removal of information.

You can object where we are using personal information for marketing purposes.

You can also request we transfer your personal information to another party.

If you requiretop header any of the above, you must request this is writing to the manager.

Personal information means any information which require higher levels of protection such as safeguarding issues, a person’s health or sexual orientation.

Changes to privacy notice

We reserve the right to update this notice at any time. We will provide you with a new notice if we update at any time.

Want to contact us directly? Email:

Alphabet House Nursery

Contact Us

Unit 4 Kingfisher Heights, Booth Rd,

London E16 2GR

Alphabet House Nursery Waterside Park ©2024 All Rights Reserved